Gee, thanks! To Angela Messenger for tagging me with this:
Accent: sorta Southern, y'all
Butter or Margarine: butter!
Chore I Hate: folding and putting away laundry
Dog or Cat: cat!
Essential Electronics: computer!
Favorite Cologne(s): Crabtree & Evelyn's Wisteria or Summer Hill
Gold or Silver: gold
Hometown: Aberdeen, NC
Insomnia: Once in a while
Job Title: Music Director! (that's one that has my mother's ashes whirling around in her urn)
Kids: 2 grown and "launched" (and sorely missed)
Living arrangements: with two cats
Most admirable trait: Do I have any admirable traits?
Nicknames: just plain ol' Laura
Overnight hospital stays: when I had my kids
Phobias: heights
Quote: "More! More! is the cry of the mistaken man; less than All will never satisfy" (William Blake)
Religion: CATHOLIC! (Thanks be to God!)
Siblings: one sister
Time I wake up: between 7 and 7:30 if I can "sleep in"
Unusual talent or skill: Do I have any unusual talent or skill?
Vegetable I refuse to eat: I think I like them all
Worst habit: brooding over things that bug me until I exhaust myself over it
X-rays: dental, knee and upper spine
Yummy stuff I cook: EVERYTHING I cook is yummy!
Zaniest thing I did: Never in a million years will I publish that in a public forum! But my second zaniest thing is that last summer, for the first time in my life (and I'm 48) I sunbathed in the nude and went skinny-dipping... er, "chunkydunking"
I guess I'll pass this on to Randy, since he's the only other blogger I know personally.