Last night, late, I posted a Prayer Need (over in the box on the left-hand side of the blog, there) for D., a young woman who just found out she's pregnant and who is on her way to Planned Parenthood on Monday.
She is being steered in that direction by a woman who used to be a volunteer for that organization - and is promoting it as if she's still affiliated with them.
Ladies - it is natural for a woman to protect her children, after birth and before. It is natural for a woman to hold close to her heart the mysteries of a pregnancy, the secret glories of having new life formed in our bodies.
To deny those mysteries - to deny the humanity of our unborn - to deny the LIFE of our unborn - to call the unborn "parasites" -
This is a severely disordered behavior. It defies our womanhood. It defies the best and the noblest and the most beautiful and the most feminine of our womanly nature.
Fight. Fight against this wrong. Fight to remind women of our calling in cherishing, nurturing, and caring for the helpless and defenseless.
Fight. Pray for those who have been so deeply wounded that these disorders of denying Nature should be so openly manifested in their behavior and conduct.
Fight. Oppose these incidents of legislating from the bench that is "Roe v. Wade" and other bogus court rulings of recent years.
Fight. Protect the unborn, the weak, the helpless, the disenfranchised, the defenseless.
Fight. Remember our foremothers who opposed slavery. Abortion is a slavery to an evil master who cares not one bit about our worth as human beings, but cares only for the exploitation of our resources and our weaknesses and our fears in order to make his own profit. Remember that even the abolitionists and the suffragettes opposed abortion. Most of them even opposed contraception and activists like Margaret Sanger who only wanted to use abortion and contraception (two sides of one ugly coin) to eliminate nonwhites from her "Master Race" ideals.
Fight. Open your hearts, your purses, and if need be your homes to render the argument that women have no choice null. Open them so that women who are being pressured by selfish parents and even more selfish boyfriends and husbands can find refuge to do what is natural to them - to protect their children.
Fight. Tell the world that human life begins at conception. Tell the world that abortion profits and benefits only men. Tell the world that real women protect and love their children. Tell the world that abortion wounds women even as it kills our babies.
UPDATE 1:42 p.m.: A prime example of the evil of utilitarianism - a hallmark of the Nazi holocaust - is reported in
Lifesite News. Abortion, this radical feminist, Camille Paglia, admits, is killing - but it is a justified killing!
Ladies and gentlemen - if this doesn't bring brilliant illumination on just how far our Enemy is prepared to go to destroy souls, I don't know what will.